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Book Review

The Anatomy of Experiential Impact Through Ericksonian Therapy is one in a trilogy written by Jeffrey Zeig. The other two books in the trilogy — The Induction of Hypnosis (2014), and Psychoaerobics (2015) — emphasize different elements of the psychotherapeutic connection, but I enjoyed The Anatomy of Experiential Impact the most. Each of the three books stand on their own in content but reading them in sequence has greater impact and offers the reader more insight.

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Book Reviews Guest User Book Reviews Guest User

Book Review

Jeffrey Zeig is the Founder and Director of the Milton H. Erickson Foundation. He travels worldwide, teaching, lecturing, supervising, organizing conferences, writing, and working tirelessly to promote Ericksonian hypnosis and psychotherapy. This book is an outgrowth of his profound wisdom about eliciting hypnosis. Zeig humbly states that his book is one more interpretation of Dr. Erickson he hopes will add to the literature.

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Book Reviews Samantha Jaros Book Reviews Samantha Jaros

Book Review

By presenting An Epic Life: Milton H. Erickson: Professional Perspectives, Dr. Zeig distinguishes between first- and second-generation scholars of various professional fields, weaving not an ordinary linear biography, but rather an exquisite mosaic. The bibliography…

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