Video Review


Dr. Erickson and Three Cases of Trauma

Reviewed By: John Lentz, D. Min
Estimated Reading Time: 1 minute, 24 seconds

This is a review of one of the many videos from The Erickson Video Collection.

“I have watched this hour-long video several times now and each time I gleaned more learnings. I am only beginning to grasp the wisdom of Erickson’s understanding of trauma. But despite its complexity, Jeff Zeig makes it much easier to understand with his insightful commentary.

Erickson’s multilevel storytelling was not only for the students’ understanding of trauma but also for their personal benefit. I also experienced meanings that touched me personally as well as helped me to understand better how to deal with clients’ trauma.

I especially liked watching how Erickson addresses issues in such a way that the other students do not know that a particular student is being helped until they realize he is also helping them. The time and effort Erickson spent in communicating not only his professional knowledge but also reaching out to help each individual is a reflection of who he was as a man. His generosity and caring is more than evident. No wonder people from all over the world loved and appreciated him.

Another advantage of this video is that you can also download the transcript so you can learn both cognitively and emotionally. It is a wonderful gem. I intend to teach what I have learned to my students because I believe that this video offers timeless truths, and it can be used to assist people dealing with all kinds of trauma. I highly recommend it.”

The entire Erickson Video Collection can be viewed here.


This video review has been extracted from Volume 40, Issue No. 3 of The Milton H. Erickson Foundation Newsletter.


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